
Showing posts from August, 2020

Intermittent Fasting as a College Student: Does it Work?

       Hi everyone!      Today, I am here to talk about a trend that many people are hopping on to try right now: intermittent fasting! This time though, I am here to talk about it for college students, or anyone else with a hectic schedule. While there is a TON of information out on the internet about this lifestyle, there are very few cohesive posts with unbiased information focused towards younger people (who tend to be running around, attending a few parties here and there, as well as staying up late and consistently experiencing an irregular sleeping schedule.) As I have nothing to sell to you, I am here to promise that this is all pretty much unbiased information for you to take and use as you'd like!

Quarantine Instagram Feeds: How to Post despite boredom, but still show new photos: the glorious world of Picsart, Vsco, and more!

     So, we’re still here, alive, in quarantine, and probably bored. A generation of young adults forlornly peering out our windows, wondering when we’ll be back to our VSCO lifestyles, running among the streets of frat row, and back to participating in the walks of shame.      Haha, kidding. Mostly.       Even so, there's not much to do right now, safely, at least. If you’re social distancing correctly, you’re probably spending a lot of time in bed, under the covers, and on social media. Despite all this spare time, you're probably also finding yourself with little to post.      Well, here’s my 2 cents: let’s make Instagram casual again !      I know, I know, this seems horrifying. Gone are those days we spent in sixth grade, uploading photos of our best friend “caught off guard," as well as our #MCM & #WCW posts.     And, tbh, m aybe those trends should stay in the closet. Buuuuut, tha...