
Showing posts from 2020

Depo-Provera: My Experience

  *First off, I want to remind you all that I am not a medical practitioner. I've taken no medical classes and have very little knowledge except from my own experiences. That's all I'm sharing with you today, along with a little informational research I've done.      So, here we go, this is my journey with the semi-popular birth control drug: Depo-Provera.      When I first decided to get birth control, I was roughly a junior in high school. I was already experiencing a wide array of mental illness symptoms at this time. I, like many others in this critical stage, was terrified about having the "talk" with my highly conservative parents. Because of this, I tirelessly researched ways around this problem and actually went to Planned Parenthood, filled out a "form" so that I wouldn't have to pay the total full cost out of pocket (because I was a broke 17 year old who couldn't use her parents insurance, lest they find out and disown me) - and las...

Why it's Okay to Not Be Okay this January

            It's not a far stretch to say that a plethora of things have fallen apart in this era of uncertainty. I know my life has definitely gotten hectic. I've struggled to keep things organized, clean my room, and sometimes even wake up and brush my teeth. There's been numerous days where I've struggled to even get myself out of bed. But instead of letting this debilitate me further, I think I've learned that sometimes it's better to just come to terms with it. With that, though, the question then becomes: How???     One helpful thing my therapist told me that I thought I'd share is "to treat this December and January as precisely what it is - a break."      I wasn't sure about this advice at first, but the more I considered it the more I realized that this is a good and fair point. Whether you were at school and in the dorms or found yourself stuck at home on Zoom with your family this semester, you still made it thr...

Intermittent Fasting as a College Student: Does it Work?

       Hi everyone!      Today, I am here to talk about a trend that many people are hopping on to try right now: intermittent fasting! This time though, I am here to talk about it for college students, or anyone else with a hectic schedule. While there is a TON of information out on the internet about this lifestyle, there are very few cohesive posts with unbiased information focused towards younger people (who tend to be running around, attending a few parties here and there, as well as staying up late and consistently experiencing an irregular sleeping schedule.) As I have nothing to sell to you, I am here to promise that this is all pretty much unbiased information for you to take and use as you'd like!

Quarantine Instagram Feeds: How to Post despite boredom, but still show new photos: the glorious world of Picsart, Vsco, and more!

     So, we’re still here, alive, in quarantine, and probably bored. A generation of young adults forlornly peering out our windows, wondering when we’ll be back to our VSCO lifestyles, running among the streets of frat row, and back to participating in the walks of shame.      Haha, kidding. Mostly.       Even so, there's not much to do right now, safely, at least. If you’re social distancing correctly, you’re probably spending a lot of time in bed, under the covers, and on social media. Despite all this spare time, you're probably also finding yourself with little to post.      Well, here’s my 2 cents: let’s make Instagram casual again !      I know, I know, this seems horrifying. Gone are those days we spent in sixth grade, uploading photos of our best friend β€œcaught off guard," as well as our #MCM & #WCW posts.     And, tbh, m aybe those trends should stay in the closet. Buuuuut, tha...

About Me: a Manifesto

    Hi! Welcome! You're certainly down the rabbit hole of my blog. Welcome to my "about me," or my about this blog. I've included pictures at the very bottom of this page, because everyone likes pictures.        With that, every blog (should, at least) have a purpose! The same as every book, every craft, every hobby, etc. I could go on for ages. Here's mine:     My name is Emma, and to say I’ve struggled with my mental health in life is a little bit of an understatement. I’ve juggled several diagnoses throughout the years, and gone through countless mental health professionals to help me find the care I needed. Because of all this, it was really hard for me to have a β€œnormal” teenage experience. I spent a lot of Friday nights at home in bed, full of ice cream and self loathing instead of making it to high school football games.       I’m happy to say I’ve since made it to a point of what I consider to be remission. I’m a...