About Me: a Manifesto

    Hi! Welcome! You're certainly down the rabbit hole of my blog. Welcome to my "about me," or my about this blog. I've included pictures at the very bottom of this page, because everyone likes pictures.


    With that, every blog (should, at least) have a purpose! The same as every book, every craft, every hobby, etc. I could go on for ages. Here's mine:

    My name is Emma, and to say I’ve struggled with my mental health in life is a little bit of an understatement. I’ve juggled several diagnoses throughout the years, and gone through countless mental health professionals to help me find the care I needed. Because of all this, it was really hard for me to have a “normal” teenage experience. I spent a lot of Friday nights at home in bed, full of ice cream and self loathing instead of making it to high school football games. 

    I’m happy to say I’ve since made it to a point of what I consider to be remission. I’m an extroverted, dramatic, overly emotional, Sagittarius ENTP-t, (if you know what myer-briggs is) WHO, once arriving at her senior year of highschool, decided I wasn’t going to let her life just pass her by anymore.

    I was not going to let my mental health win. 

    This is a blog dedicated to my backstory, my struggles, my goals, and my tips, tricks, and achievements that have helped me get to where I am today. This is a blog about mental health and recovery, about managing a life in the 21st century full of inspiration and wanderlust, while also navigating the darker holes in life that tend to pop up in this period of one's self discovery.

    So, make no mistake, this isn’t a blog focused solely on mental health. I’ve found that my mental illnesses are actually only a small part of who I am, despite how largely they used to define me. Instead, this is a blog about growing up. 

    There’s not a “how-to” live life. If there was, we’d all be doing much better at it. This is simply a blog on living life to the fullest, or, as some people say, yolo

Topics you can expect to see here in the span of all things (young)#adulting:

  • Travel

  • Social Media in the 21st Century

  • Mental Health & its effects on everyday life

  • Girl stuff (cause why not. I’m nowhere near a professional, but I do have a lot of information to give on the topics of female reproductive health and birth control, advice on relationships, friendshsips, etc., and how they relate back to daily life.)

  • Faking it till you make it (this is a real and vital life skill, y’all) 

  • College & LIFE at College (Unglamour-ized. This is not the movies.)

  • Sorority Stuff (Stuff on topics like: is it for me? What's it like at a small school? A big school? Etc.) 

  • Partying! All things partying! (How to manage partying in college, but still do good in school. How to party safely. How to get free drinks, the safe way! etc.)

  • & the Odd Occasional Tips & Tricks

Here are some photos, as promised. I won't bore you with an actual biography! Just know that I enjoy margaritas, going out, sleeping (despite being an insomniac) and travelling. I'm helplessly addicted to coffee, but thankful that it's just caffeine and not crack cocaine.

My mom and I during our travels, the French Riviera.

Me, crying, because crying pics are a classic. If you're expecting a normal VSCO-teen-starbucks-loving white girl here on this blog, you should... stay. Because you got her. Though, I am a little bit more blunt that usual.

Me and my dog, Aslan, who is a Westie and the loml.

I am a creative writing major. I like reading.

My parents and I in my homeland, Scotland.
Jk, not my homeland, but I've never felt more at home than in the highlands.

My, cheering for joy. I'm also a history major, pre-1648 history in particular.

Gotta love the humanities!

You can find my social media at various places on this page. Let me know if you have any questions, requests, or just want to be friends. : )



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